Product Information System

1. TPS
TPS is the information system that automatically captures (capture) and recording information about transactions that occur during the process of running the business. This information system support routines. Polling stations is a type of system information that most parents. System point-of-sale that often we see direstauran Italy and departemenstore is an example of the TPS

2. MIS
MIS is an information system that provides information for the management, especially the task manager for planning, management and control operations, based on:
-The report is not routine (on-demand/ad-hoc).
-The report can be tapped more (Drill-down): a report that showed a high level of detail
The report, with key indicators. Reports summarizing the performance of critical activities.
-Report comparison. Reports that compare the performance of different business units or poriode different times.
-Report exceptions.

3. DSS
DSS is an information system that helps to identify opportunities in making decisions or provide information to help make decisions. Computer-based information systems that combine data and models to solve the problems of structured or not structured with the broad involvement of users.

4. ES
ES is a system that captures information expertise (expertise) from the workers and then mensimulasikannya be useful bagipekerja workers of non-experts.

5. OAS
(OAS) is an information system that supports much of the business office (business office activities) for improving the work flow (work flow) among workers.

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