Benefits of information systems for the Company

Improve the profitability of the business
Reduce the operational cost of business
Increase market share for the sale of products
Improve relations with customers
Improve the efficiency of the company
Increase the speed of decision-making
Reduce errors that may occur
Improve security
Obtain production capacity greater

Hall and Fagen (1956): defines the system is a collection of elements that interact each other that a total of teintegrasi. City, cells, and the body is an example of the system. Likewise, automobiles, computers and washing machines are also a system. Formally, the system can be defined as a collection of elements of each other, with boundaries (Boundary), which can be identified, which work together to achieve a common goal.

From this definition can be seen that there are 3
important components of the system:
1.Elements of each other (interrelasi)
2.The existence of restrictions (Boundary)
3.The existence of a common goal

Interrelasi concept suggests that the elements of the system is not sufficiently free (interdependen). In other words, if one element of a system failure or does not work, he will affect some or all the other elements of the system. These elements are often called subsystems, which work together to achieve the goal or object of the system.

Boundary concept, the limit, suggests that the system can be defined within the context of all the systems and other limitations that can be defined by a virtual who have clear limits. Furthermore, the existence of the Boundary cause that elements in the system should include, and the elements that are not included in the limits of the system that is meant a system is not part of the system.

The third concept is the purpose of the public. Goal or purpose of a system is very easy, the reason is to be used. If the system does not have a reason not because he has a function or can not provide the functionality needed, the purpose of a system is not important, and the system is needed again.

Type System
System often associated with a closed system or a stable system mekanistik. Some systems rarely interact with the environment with the purpose or to receive input to output. As a consequence, the closed system tends to operate in assesses without explaining routine and high, and environmental changes do not tend to have a material effect on it. An example of this is a closed system terrarium. One of the important characteristics of this system is that it can survive by itself (self-sustaining).
The system also often called open system or organic Adaptive system. In this category, entities that are both internally and externally is important. The system tends to be less open and less structured operational systems such as in closed. Furthermore, the variations of interaction with other components and one with the environment, although probabalistik, constantly changing and less able diprediski from the closed system. Characteristics of any openly that he is able to adapt to changes in both internal and external. Although not perfect, two examples of a system open interest for a systems analyst is oraganisasi business and information systems.

Is that information? Information is a collection of the data that is processed / processed, which can be understood to be used in decision making. While the data itself is something that has not been organized and processed so it can not yet be understood. Data can be a fact of the accident.

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