Executors Information System

1. Information workers are workers who work or jobnya consists of creating (creation), collecting (collection), processing (processing), circulation (distribution), and(using) the information.
2. Knowledge workers are part of the information workers who are responsible, especially based on the knowledge.
3. System owners, is the sponsor of information systems and executive advisor, is usually responsible for funding the project developed, operated and maintained a system of information. He also set the vision and priorities of the system. He saw the information in terms of costs and benefits (cost and benefits) to resolve the problem and exploit the opportunity.

4. System-users are "customers" who will be affected by the use or the use of the general system of information-capture (Capturing), testing (validating), including (Entering), said (Responding), store (storing), and exchange (exchanging) information and data. He saw the information system functionality as a provider of jobs, easy to learn or use.
There are two types of system users (customers), namely:
1.Internal users (from the user)
- Clericaland service workers
Do most of the transactions from day kehari (day-to-day) of a business. They memprosesorder, invoices, payments, and the like.
- Technical and professional staff
These are the lawyers, accountants, engineers, scientists, market analysts, designers, ad and stastitik specialist. Because of their work based on the knowledge that the restrictions are clearly defined, they are sometimes called professional workers (knowledge It). Information system that has targeted this category focus on the analysis of data for the purpose of solving problems.
- Supervisors, middle managers, executives and managers
Is the decision-making. Supervisor maintain in solving day to day decision making. Middle managers focus on solving tactical (short-term), while the executive managers more attention to strategic planning (long-term).
- Remote and mobile users

2.External users (Users from outside)
- Customer
Organizations or individuals who buy our products and services.
- Supplier
Organization, which the company about buying raw materials / raw materials and supplies.
- Partner
Organizations which companies we buy services.
- Employee
Workers who work from home or running (for example sales representative who usually spends most of the time)

5. System Designer
System Designer is a specialist-technology for information systems. System designers are the people who translate the needs and limitations of business users. He was designing a computer data base, input, output, display, networking, and software that will meet the needs of system users.
- Administrator Data bases

Specialists in data base technology, which is usually designing and coordinating changes to the data base company.
- Architect Network
Specialists in technology and telecommunications network design, install, configure, optimize, and support both the local network, wide area, including connections to the Internet and outside the network.
- Web architects
Specialists are designing a web site for the complex organization, including public web site to the Internet, the web site's internal (intranet) and extranet web site (private business to business).
- Artistic Graph
Relatively new in the world of IT work. Specialists who use the method and technology for designing a graphical interface and create (PC, web smath phones, and handheld devices) the system easy to use.
- Security experts
Methodology and technology specialists who usually convince the network and data security.
- Technology Specialist
Specialists in the application or the specific technology that will be used in the system (for example a commercial software package or special hardware specific)

6. System Builders, is a specialist techniques that build information systems based on the design specifications made by the system Designers. He saw the information system as a real work of harware and software for implementing the system.
- Application programmers
Specialist convert the business needs and problems of the statement (problem statement) and procedures into computer language. They build and test a computer program to capture and store the data and put and call for computer applications.
- System programmers
Specialists who build, test and implement operating system-level software, utility, service.
- Data base programmers
Specialists in language and technology data base that create, modify, and test the structure of the data base and used the program and to protect it.
- Network administrator
Specialists are designing, installing, seeking solutions (Troubleshooting), to optimize the network computer.
- Security Administrator
Specialists are designing, installing, seeking solutions (Troubleshooting), and manage security and privacy controls in the network.
- Webmaster
Specialists who create code and maintain web server.
- Software integrator
Specialist software packages that integrate with hardware, Networkless, and other software packages.

7. Analyst-Systems is a specialist who studies the problems and needs an organization to determine how people, data, process and technology can provide the best solution for the business.
- Programmer / Analyst (Analyst / Programmers) encompasses accountability both computer programmers and systems Analyst.
- Business Analyst only focus on non-technical aspects of systems analysis and design

System analysts as a problem-solver has the task:
- Allow the problems that occur, whether real or not, that need correction action.
- The opportunity to improve the situation, although there is no complaint.
- Refers to the situation said that someone has to do complain.

Membership of a System Analyst
- Knowledge of how to work in information technology
- Expertise and experience of computer programming (in the language tingat high)
- Knowledge of general business
- Expertise of problem solving in general
- The ability to communicate between individuals who either (orally or in writing)
- Expertise of a relationship between the individual (to handle the conflict)
- Flexibility and the ability to adapt
- Having ethics and good character

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