Definition of Artificial
Artificial intelligence is the science of computer-related how the intelligence to understand the characteristics and build the computer system. Capable of intelligent action. In two goals, namely to increase the understanding of basic science and make a computer more sophisticated in serving human needs.
Many activities involving action intelligent problem-solving, perception, learning, planning and other symbolic learning, natural language and others, and many phenomena, a phenomenon that is very knowledgeable other. The reasoning of this phenomenon, a phenomenon shared by many other science disciplines such as psychology, linguistics and philosophy of the mind to complete the field of artificial intelligence. Initial point of artificial intelligence is the ability of computers to manipulate symbolic expression that can represent all forms of objects, including knowledge about the structure and function of objects and people in the world, beliefs and goals, scientific theory, and the program from the computer itself.
Artificial intelligence focuses on the symbolic representations of knowledge and a method of heuristik Reasoning, the use of assumptions and rules of the general "rule of thumbs." Two examples of the problems are made in the kecerdasaan is planning how a robot or a person can up the complex equipment, or move from one place to another, and the characteristics of the diagnosis of a disease. In two cases this Reasoning with a description of symbolic more dominant than the calculation process.
The artificial intelligence researchers are experimentally generally with little improvement in theoretical mathematics. Like other experimental science, ITI build the device (in this case a computer program) to run the experimental investigation. The program was created to explore new ideas about how intelligent action can be done, is also being developed to test the hypothetical concepts and mechanisms that involve the intelligent behavior.
Basics of artificial intelligence is divided into: representations, the method of problem solving, architecture and knowledge. To complete a job, a computer must have representation in the internal memory, for example, the description of the symbolic move of space robots, or a group of features that someone mendeskribsikan disease. Also includes representatives of all knowledge, including the basic program, to test and measurement structure and all the programs to change the structure into a form that is more appropriate for certain purposes. Changing representations to a case can bring big difference to the problems that can not be solved a problem that can be solved.
After the representation of a given task / problem, a method must be adopted to complete the task. Artificial gradually build method of splitting a group of relevant (weak methods) are applied in general.
The important feature of all methods is weak pengaplikasian "search" or search. One of the generalizations that appear in the artificial intelligence techniques are always present in the serach all actions smart. In the worst cases, the search is done "Nora search." In the search heuristik no additional information provided during the search.
Some type of weak methods, among other things: generate and test (a possible candidate, every candidate on the test to search for a solution); hills haha (a measure of progress is used for each step); means the end analysis (the difference between the situation now with the desired results are used to the next step), resolution of impasse (the inability to take steps to subtujuan possible); planning with abstraction (simplified problems, solved, the solution is used to resolve the problem indeed) and matching (the current situation depicted in the form of a scheme to be in that situation want to combine 2, a condition that nature).
Smart Agent-person or program has many ways to represent and problems associated with these agents. What is also needed is the architecture or in the operational framework that can be selected and implement these activities. Often called the executive structure or control structure that is best seen as one unity as in the overall architecture of computer architecture, machinery, which provides data structure, operations on the structure of the data, memory to store data structure, the structure of the operation accesses data from memory, a programming language to describe the pattern of the integrated operation of the conditional and interpreters to run the program. No one architecture and raw materials had the same questions that often appear as the architecture is what is most suitable for intelligent agents in general.
In artificial intelligence, the basic paradigm of intelligent action in the search space is limited solutions (called the problem space) for the purpose of which is expected. Each step offers several possibilities, to the possibility of steps that is represented in the form of "tree". This search then called kombinasional or exponentially. For example, if there are 10 possibilities for action in a situation, and the 12 steps necessary to achieve one goal then there will be 10 12 possible sequence of steps in a search tree (search tree). What makes the search can be is the knowledge, which suggest how to vote or narrow the choices each step. So the thinking is fundamentally represents the knowledge of how the memory can be made possible so that relevant search.
An intelligent agent will have a number of extraordinary knowledge. This raised a major problem that others, namely to find the relevant knowledge can be represented as progress or improvement efforts to find solutions. Although this is not mengikutkan explosion kombinatorial characteristics of the problems in the search space, this may take a long and difficult. But the data base that contains knowledge (often called a knowledge base) can be carefully designed to match the architecture to create an efficient search. Knowlwdge base with this problem that involved in the case penkodean and kases blend into a system in the past smart.
One example is a computer application intelligent perception. Perception is the formation of the sensor signals, from the internal representations that are suitable for processing smart. Although there are many types of signals from the sensors, computer perception has been focused on the "vision" and "specch." Perception seems to vary with intelligence, because it involves the distribution of energy that varies continuously to the time before in the form of symbolic interpretation. But all the ingredients present artificial intelligence: representation, search, architecture and knowledge. Speech Perception begins with the acoustic waves from the human voice and continue with the internal representations of what the speech issued by the sound human being. A representation is used, digitizing the acoustic waves into the array intensity, the establishment of several quantitative parameters set for the intensity, frequency, resonance characteristics tapeworm of sound), a phonem, a line of words, grammar structure and ultimately the structure that represents the semantics of data that represent the sentence meaning a voice behind.
One subset of the artificial intelligence system called experts try to solve a problem with collecting and expert knowledge that is owned by a specialist. Many businesses have applied artificial intelligence in the field of health, governance and social issues that are significant other in the form of expert systems. Although penekannya on knowledge, all the ingredients present standards.
System Specialists have been splash in the understanding of the important things Reasoning in uncertainty, as a result of Reasoning, Reasoning about knowledge and acceptance of the computer system in the world of work. It is not clear that there is a distinction between pure and artificial intelligence applied, find what is needed for intelligent action in the area applied a complex, which contribute significantly to the knowledge base.
History precedes the development of artificial intelligence engine that computer first. In the general level, intelligence has become the subject of the learning philosophy for 2,000 years. At the level of computing, a mathematician Alan Turing developed a framework buata intelligence in the computer era, analogues.
During the official definition is still a debate, Artificial usually regarded as a branch of computer science that focuses on the behavior of intelligent automation. Artificial intelligence from the intention is to develop a system that has the ability to receive and study, to address the commonly mentioned physical tasks, and mengemulasi human decision making. Artificial designing and developing intelligent agents at the same time working to understand how agents are smart. Currently the main areas of intelligence buata include:
1. English Nature (Natural Language): risetiriset focus on the problems associated with natural language interface, machine translation, the understanding of oral language and so on.
2. System experts (Expert System): No solution in general is examined, but the expertise is used to determine the issues on which specific areas of work such as diagnosis, planning, prediction and so forth.
3. Cognition and Learning: the investigations are being made to the model of thinking, learning and problem solving
4. Computer Vision: Many businesses that are being made to develop the principles and machine vision algorithms and interpret visual data.
5. automatic deduction: This field related to the resolution of problems, proving the theory and logic programming.
Basics Artificial
The term Artificial (AI-Artificial Intelligence) used in 1956, the formal name for the work that has been developed selamam 5-6 the previous year. Individuals and organizations have a great interest in developing Artificial Intelligence, with several main reasons, including:
1. To preserve the expertise when the experts are not available
2. To create the base knoeledge organized so that others can learn from solving problems in the past that success.
3. To help the decision-making consistent in evaluating the problem more complex
Multiagen system recently has become the mainstay of research in Artificial Intelligence. This was triggered by the awareness that intelligence collection can be reflected by the behavior of a large number of very simple interaction of a number of agents in a community. This agent can be a computer, the software module or any object that can understand the environment and continue to how to achieve a rational goal.
Various types of discipline has influenced the development of the science of artificial intelligence, including philosophy (logic), mathematics (algorithms), psychological (kognisi), engineering (hardware and software computer) and linguistic (knowledge representation and processing of natural language).
I think enough to be a discussion about artificial intelligence, we will probably go in another time ..
Hopefully this useful for what ..
success is always yes, ...
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